104 research outputs found

    Comparing automatically detected reflective texts with human judgements

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    This paper reports on the descriptive results of an experiment comparing automatically detected reflective and not-reflective texts against human judgements. Based on the theory of reflective writing assessment and their operationalisation five elements of reflection were defined. For each element of reflection a set of indicators was developed, which automatically annotate texts regarding reflection based on the parameterisation with authoritative texts. Using a large blog corpus 149 texts were retrieved, which were either annotated as reflective or notreflective. An online survey was then used to gather human judgements for these texts. These two data sets were used to compare the quality of the reflection detection algorithm with human judgments. The analysis indicates the expected difference between reflective and not reflective texts

    Reflective Writing Analytics - Empirically Determined Keywords of Written Reflection

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    Despite their importance for educational practice, reflective writings are still manually analysed and assessed, posing a constraint on the use of this educational technique. Recently, research started to investigate automated approaches for analysing reflective writing. Foundational to many automated approaches is the knowledge of words that are important for the genre. This research presents keywords that are specific to several categories of a reflective writing model. These keywords have been derived from eight datasets, which contain several thousand instances using the log-likelihood method. Both performance measures, the accuracy and the Cohen's κ, for these keywords were estimated with ten-fold cross validation. The results reached an accuracy of 0.78 on average for all eight categories and a fair to good inter-rater reliability for most categories even though it did not make use of any sophisticated rule-based mechanisms or machine learning approaches. This research contributes to the development of automated reflective writing analytics that are based on data-driven empirical foundations

    Understanding Accessibility as a Process through the Analysis of Feedback from Disabled Students

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    Accessibility cannot be fully achieved through adherence to technical guidelines, and must include processes that take account of the diverse contexts and needs of individuals. A complex yet important aspect of this is to understand and utilise feedback from disabled users of systems and services. Open comment feedback can complement other practices in providing rich data from user perspectives, but this presents challenges for analysis at scale. In this paper, we analyse a large dataset of open comment feedback from disabled students on their online and distance learning experience, and we explore opportunities and challenges in the analysis of this data. This includes the automated and manual analysis of content and themes, and the integration of information about the respondent alongside their feedback. Our analysis suggests that procedural themes, such as changes to the individual over time, and their experiences of interpersonal interactions, provide key examples of areas where feedback can lead to insight for the improvement of accessibility. Reflecting on this analysis in the context of our institution, we provide recommendations on the analysis of feedback data, and how feedback can be better embedded into organisational processes

    A Visualisation Dashboard for Contested Collective Intelligence. Learning Analytics to Improve Sensemaking of Group Discussion

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    The skill to take part in and to contribute to debates is important for informal and formal learning. Especially when addressing highly complex issues, it can be difficult to support learners participating in effective group discussion, and to stay abreast of all the information collectively generated during the discussion. Technology can help with the engagement and sensemaking of such large debates, for example, it can monitor how healthy a debate is and provide indicators of participation's distribution. A special framework that aims at harnessing the intelligence of - small to very large – groups with the support of structured discourse and argumentation tools is Contested Collective Intelligence (CCI). CCI tools provide a rich source of semantic data that, if appropriately processed, can generate powerful analytics of the online discourse. This study presents a visualisation dashboard with several visual analytics that show important aspects of online debates that have been facilitated by CCI discussion tools. The dashboard was designed to improve sensemaking and participation in online debates and has been evaluated with two studies, a lab experiment and a field study in the context of two Higher Education institutes. The paper reports findings of a usability evaluation of the visualisation dashboard. The descriptive findings suggest that participants with little experience in using analytics visualisations were able to perform well on given tasks. This constitutes a promising result for the application of such visualisation technologies as discourse-centric learning analytics interfaces can help to support learners' engagement and sensemaking of complex online debates. In Spanish: La habilidad para participar y contribuir en los debates es importante para el aprendizaje informal y formal. Especialmente cuando se abordan temas altamente complejos, puede ser difícil apoyar a los alumnos que participan en una discusión grupal efectiva y mantenerse al tanto de toda la información generada colectivamente durante la discusión. La tecnología puede ayudar con el compromiso y razonamiento en debates tan grandes, por ejemplo, puede monitorear cuán saludable es un debate y proporcionar indicadores sobre la distribución de la participación. Un marco especial que pretende aprovechar la inteligencia de grupos de pequeños a muy grandes con el apoyo de herramientas de discurso y argumentación estructuradas es la Inteligencia Colectiva Controvertida (CCI). Las herramientas de CCI proporcionan una fuente rica de datos semánticos que, si se procesan de manera adecuada, pueden generar un sofisticado análisis del discurso en línea. Este estudio presenta un panel de visualización con varios análisis visuales que muestran aspectos importantes de los debates en línea que han sido facilitados por las herramientas de discusión de CCI. El tablero de instrumentos fue diseñado para mejorar la creación de sentidos y la participación en los debates en línea y se ha evaluado con dos estudios, un experimento de laboratorio y un estudio de campo, en el contexto de dos institutos de educación superior. Este artículo informa sobre los resultados de una evaluación de usabilidad del panel de visualización. Los hallazgos descriptivos sugieren que los participantes con poca experiencia en el uso de visualizaciones analíticas pudieron desempeñarse bien en determinadas tareas. Esto constituye un resultado prometedor para la aplicación de tales tecnologías de visualización, ya que las interfaces analíticas de aprendizaje centradas en el discurso pueden ayudar a apoyar el compromiso de los alumnos y su razonamiento en debates en línea complejos